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Steve Quayle: “Never in the history of any nation has so much denial been exhibited against a sworn enemy of the United States. China recently admitted that they have destroyed this nation through their biological weapons launched in the form of th...
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The Rise of Super-Soldiers and the Reanimated Genesis 6 Giants! Copyright © GenSix Productions 2021, All Rights Reserved ( NOTE: These SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS will soon only be available to Q FILES Subscribers ONLY. So if you want t...
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Steve Quayle: “In Matthew twenty-four, verse seven, one of the most unusual statements made by Jesus is that ‘nation would rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom,’ but so few realize that the word nation is the Greek word for ETHNICITY...
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Steve Quayle: “As we approach the 20th anniversary of 911 we’re facing the beginning-of-the end of the United States of America. In the pattern of 911 magnitude disasters, we may soon see the release of deadly bio-weapons, chemical weapons, and t...
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Steve Quayle: “One of my sources just sent me this shocking report on how new cell phones are listening in to our private thoughts! I cannot say it any better than he did, so here are his full comments: ”Dear Steve, I can’t say much on this rig...
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Steve Quayle: “As hurricane Ida heads toward the Gulf Coast 16-years-to-the-day after hurricane Katrina's disastrous landfall, it should be noted that American refineries and oil platforms have shut down in order to deal with the approaching storm....
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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & Sisters, America ‘dies before our eyes’ and hardly a tear is being shed on our behalf. Starvation will soon hit this land and tens-of-millions of people will be doomed. Today's generation, with no understanding of hist...
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Steve Quayle: “Today's PRIVATE BRIEFING is one of the most urgent and most time sensitive we have ever sent out. I feel an overwhelming desire to wake up our entire country to a catastrophe already taking place, so please listen carefully. The rele...
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Steve Quayle: “It should come as no surprise that the name ‘Lucifer’, so long obscured in the world’s press, is now being used in casual excess, even to the naming of a heat wave now attacking the air over Sicily. Also notable, the enzyme kno...
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Steve Quayle: “Attention anyone with ears to hear: this will be one of the most passionate warnings I’ve ever issued to the public. The Globalist Luciferian Elite have brought this country to its knees and now they are about to thrust the final d...
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Steve Quayle: “If ever there was a just-in-time Private Briefing, coinciding with the beginning of the end, THIS IS IT. From all appearances and accounts, we have only a few days (or maybe a week) left before things completely unravel. All over the...
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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, we have truly entered into a time where YOU COMPLY, YOU DIE. While the rest of the world is getting fed up with the Globalist’s ever-growing, fascist technocracy, the good ol’ U.S. of A. looks like it’s fall...
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Steve Quayle: “When I came up with the term ‘Track-em, Whack-em, & Stack-em’ it was meant to be a catchall phrase referencing the danger of cell phones, or as I call them, ‘hell phones,’ in our new Orwellian-Luciferian, Control-Grid of a So...
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Steve Quayle: "The two largest water reservoirs in the United States: Lake Meade and Lake Powell, are already getting to the point where they will have to shut power off to the West Coast. But ladies and gentlemen, the most heartbreaking ramification...
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Steve Quayle: "To my beloved brothers, sisters, friends, and to those who have been preparing their hearts for what is now upon us. The subject of this ALERT is the hardest I have ever written about, or discussed on any programs, podcasts, or intervi...
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Steve Quayle: “Ladies and gentlemen, I was recently stunned by the ancient writings of one of our early Church Fathers, Hippolytus. His words painted a very accurate picture of what is happening now, and what we’re in for over the coming days. It...
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Steve Quayle: “Weather Wars are now in play against the USA by the most sophisticated ionospheric technology possessed by the Russians. Would anyone have ever thought that Liton British Columbia would hit 121°, just short of death Valley's all-tim...
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Darrin Geisinger “Are you an extremist? I’ll bet you are. If you reading anything remotely to do with the infamous Steve Quayle, you are an extremist. Steve has been sounding the alarm on the coming take-down and take-over of our country for deca...
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Steve Quayle: “In the book of Revelation, God states that He's going to destroy those who destroy the earth, and as we can tell by the extreme weather events taking place worldwide, all historical records are being broken before our eyes. From reco...
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Steve Quayle: “America, you are a divided house and you shall not stand! The old statement: ‘divide and conquer’ couldn't be clearer than what we’re seeing in our politics, our racial divide, and most importantly within our armed forces -- so...
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Steve Quayle: "We all have been misdirected from noticing that no matter what vaccine is used, all the victims are injected with hypodermic needles. The photograph below that illustrates today's ALERT is a good example of us all missing the extreme o...
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Steve Quayle: “For the first time in history we're watching a simultaneous convergence on the world stage of death, war, famine, and plague overtaking the Earth’s population on an accelerating basis! The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are beginn...
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Steve Quayle: "Wow, today is one day before the conference and I want to thank all of you who have signed up to view it, and also those of you who have pre-ordered the DVD set. Can you believe how fast time is flying?! This year's streaming event wil...
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Darrin Geisinger: “’Show me your papers, please!’ is not around the corner, it’s already here. Vaccination passports will be their tool to exclude conservatives from their utopian society, and also to quickly identify any ‘unwelcome deplora...
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Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, what is unfolding in the news with Dr. Fauci should come as no surprise to my faithful listeners. What we’re seeing is exactly what I stated years ago... "BEFORE GOD ALLOWS THE UNITED STATES TO BE DESTROYED BY RUS...
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IF YOU HAVE NOT YET REGISTERED FOR THE EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS VIRTUAL EVENT, PLEASE READ OVER WHAT YOU COULD BE MISSING. Below are brief descriptions of what each expert will be covering in the 2-day broadcast, June 11-12th. PLEASE consider signing up ...
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Steve Quayle: “In the last 48 hours since I broke the news of the Alien-Aztec-Finds in Mexico, major news outlets have dispatched film teams to beat each other to the story of the century! On Tuesday night, I went on Coast-to-Coast with George Nori...
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Steve Quayle: “To those who would deny the globalist’s statements concerning the depopulation of the world’s 7.9 billion people, they will have no one to blame but themselves when the most horrible bio-weapons manifest themselves in the lives o...
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Darrin Geisinger: “You would have to be a block of wood not to see that they’ve orchestrated this outbreak, far in advance, to their own nefarious ends. And the results of their pre-planned, pre-programmed crisis are obvious: massive loss of indi...
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Steve Quayle: "With the Wall Street Journal announcing that the aliens may have left language-artifacts, or symbols from their previous landings on earth, it was mind-blowing to me that once again Q Files subscribers, and previous True Legends confer...
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Steve Quayle: "When Bill Gates spoke about no one being able to buy, sell, or trade without proof of vaccination, most Christians missed the biblical significance of his statement as it relates to the Book of Revelation and the infamous Mark of the B...
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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & Gentlemen, the headline in today's ALERT speaks for itself: Will Cyberattacks On Our Fuel Distribution System Bring the U.S. to a Complete Halt? So, brace yourselves for the coming fuel crisis..."...
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Steve Quayle: "With the initiation of the globalist’s depopulation agenda now in full motion, having failed to kill enough people worldwide on the initial plan-demic, it appears that by the sheer volume of articles on Ebola that it's the next in th...
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Steve Quayle: "This year for the virtual EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS conference, my presentation will be based on an 18-month expedition which GenSix Productions has been carrying out in Mexico. The expedition has established ‘provenance authenticity’, ...
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Steve Quayle: “The word NORMAL is about to become lost in history. It should come as no surprise that an unseen hand, an adversary of humanity (Lucifer who became Satan), is preparing the entire world for his ultimate rule and reign on planet earth...
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As we have entered the judgment cycle of Almighty God upon our once great nation, it's imperative that all of us understand that the truth, on any matter, will never be told to the public. As most of you are aware, the Cascadia subduction zone has be...
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Steve Quayle: “From the beginning of man, the devil and his fallen angels have sought to pollute the human genome and do away with God's original creation for mankind, who was created in His image and likeness. Human extinction, and the total destr...
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Steve Quayle: "The next 48 hours will decide the fate of the world as President Putin is pushing back hard against the Globalists. The fact that the United States, NATO, and all military assets are to be out of Ukraine by Wednesday the 21st is a shoc...
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Steve Quayle: "Approximately seven years ago I stated, as most of you know, that before God allowed Russia and China to attack the United States (with nuclear weapons) that He would reveal the sins of its leaders to the people, and the people’s sin...
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Steve Quayle: "Ladies & gentlemen, the fact that it's now being made public that DNA can be extracted from the air around us should give a big heads-up as to the true capabilities of how the Elites can locate anyone they want..."...
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Steve Quayle: “For more than three millennia, the mystery schools of Egypt have been providing secret and arcane knowledge which originated from the Fallen Angels, both before Noah's flood, and after Noah's flood. All secret societies in the world ...
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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, never in the history of the United States have the American people become the targets of a government so totally focused on destroying their families, their nationalism and their ability to provide for their own families fo...
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Steve Quayle: “Alien disclosure will produce the greatest upset in world history. When a major publication such as the Wall Street Journal carries the story of alien languages, it is putting the public on notice that the Elites are taking control o...
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Steve Quayle: “Brothers and sisters, the headlines are now showing that new mutagenic strains of viruses, and specific engineered bio-weapons, are being released world-wide. These new strains are targeting various high-population-density groups of ...
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Steve Quayle: “When God's judgment falls on a nation, the prophet Jeremiah stated that the countries surrounding the nation under judgment would literally HISS in contempt at the strength of the nation it thought could never be defeated, now wastin...
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Steve Quayle: “The title of this year's conference couldn't be more concise or timely. The word extinction means ‘the doing away with, or the annihilation of different species of flora and fauna’, couple that definition with severe earth change...
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Steve Quayle: “15 years ago I came up with a term entitled Reality Avoidance Disorder, and it's playing out every day with the insanity of people willing to take genetic-changing-injections with no concern for their long-term, deadly results. The m...
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More was going in the ancient Philistim land than most realize ─ a history steeped in giants; Israel’s nemesis nation not conquered until the days of David. The Philistim confederation might have been the most powerful and complex of all the Reph...
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Final catastrophes are now upon us… and I must say it again. We have to be struck and stunned with the facts, realizing just where we are in the prophetic timetable. Knowing how close we are to the end of history, we will need to make a choice as t...
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In January of 2013, a story broke in the Komsomolskaya Pravda that in the region of Vladivostok, Russia, on the borders of China and North Korea, a man by the name of Dimitry made a stunning discovery. He was about to burn a hunk of coal to heat his ...
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At the dawn of human history, before the formation of tribes and nations, a calamity with unimaginable scope and reach rocked creation. For those people personally involved, nothing would be the same again – every semblance of their previous realit...
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The mysterious Gilgal Rephaim ruins located on the Golan Heights slightly northeast of the Galilee Sea are variantly referred to as the “Wheel Of The Rephaim”, “Wheel Of The Spirits”, “Wheel Of The Ghosts”, “Rujim el-Hiri (Arabic)”, a...
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The idea that an earthquake powerful enough to split our country in half is terrifying. Surely this is only an instance of Steve trying to shock the listener in order to provoke thought, right? Not so. What Steve said, and what I illustrated in my no...
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Snakes have always been intensely interesting to humans. Not always in a good way; many of us are instinctively repelled by them, while others are simply terrified. Even so, serpents have been the object of veneration for thousands of years. The phar...
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Notice how each stone is precisely placed with care and finesse. How do hunter-gatherers accomplish this in the neolithic era—about 9000 to 3000 years ago— and more importantly why would they do it in the first place? The big question to me is wh...
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With evidence of a direct textual connection from antiquity, spanning to the time just prior to the flood and superseding mythos, was Thoth none other than the last Antediluvian king on the Kings List - Ubartutu? If so, was he the last king of Atlant...
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In this spirit, many believe Mount Hermon was the site where ethereal sons of God first bred Nephilim documented in Gen 6. Hermon is rooted “charam” meaning accursed and consecrate or dedicate to destruction. “Harem-Anathema” was the angelic ...
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One group views the creation story as it unfolds beyond Verse 1 as an explanation of the creative process: that first there was a primordial earth and then God began His labor of forming it. The second group views Verse 2 as a declaration that someth...
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The idea that an earthquake powerful enough to split our country in half is terrifying. Surely this is only an instance of Steve trying to shock the listener in order to provoke thought, right? Not so. What Steve said, and what I illustrated in my no...
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If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented wit...
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I believe, as do many others I respect, that this future one-world hybrid kingdom is inevitable. It will be made up of entities who’ve come to corrupt our race as before, and mingle their seed with us with the same goal: to make us no longer 100% h...
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But what happens when big data and algorithms start predicting what you haven’t clicked on? And I don’t mean offering the obvious matching scarf to your new GAP sweater. I mean, offering you a product or service only it knows yo...
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But then you read: “Biohacking is the activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes.” That sounds downright vicious, sending you a sudden chill. This strangeness smac...
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We have commissioned a life-sized replica of the skull of a giant, and a full-scale 12-foot-tall giant to be created for the event. The replicas are based on the historical chronicles of the conquest of the Inca Empire from the national archives in P...
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Transhumanism is defined as “the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.” Of course, this sounds admirable. Who among us does not want to m...
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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2024 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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