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ALERT: ALIENS REVEALED—It’s Panic At The Pentagon!

May 28th 2021


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ALERT Post is Copyright © GenSix Productions 2021, All Rights Reserved

Steve Quayle  “In the last 48 hours since I broke the news of the Alien-Aztec-Finds in Mexico, major news outlets have dispatched film teams to beat each other to the story of the century! On Tuesday night, I went on Coast-to-Coast with George Noory to detail some of the hundreds of artifacts that show ancient Alien-Aztec interaction, wars and even cross-breeding. During the course of my two-hour radio interview I was monitored in real-time by some 10,000+ military and intelligence agency computers from around the world. ‘They’ are listening, and are now scrambling to control the narrative.

Their recent decision to start leaking the ‘alien’ presence on Earth, through footage of advanced UFO craft, reveals a desire to unfold the story in a controlled manner for their own nefarious purposes, which is to have the ultimate claim: “the ‘aliens’ created human beings and not the Living God!” I am told by those in-the-know, that the discovery of the Mexican, Alien-Aztec artifacts has blown their timetable out of the water, and all their ongoing ‘script writing’ for their big Pentagon-Reveal is now being altered to keep up, as this very ALERT, is being sent out!

What is unknown to most, even at the deepest levels of government, is that beyond the Aztec-Alien connection, many of the artifacts reveal an Alien-Egyptian interaction in Mexico, with no uncertain imagery. What this means is that the timeline for the ‘alien’ presence on Earth, as documented in highly detailed, inscribed illustrations with ‘alien’ symbols, is a timeline of at least 4,000 years ago. These various artifacts reveal advanced flying saucers, with even three-dimensional models of both the spacecraft and its inhabitants. This discovery is more than mind-blowing.

The GenSix film crew was able to show, on film, our team locating various pieces with ground-penetrating, geo-radar, as the artifacts were being uncovered and extracted. We have captured the entire process, from start to finish, and established a provenance and authenticity of the artifacts. I am told (as I thought would be the case) that there are main-stream television networks, with deep pockets, authorized to spend seven figures to acquire many of the artifacts that have been presented in a two-part PDF that was produced for Doug Hagman's fundraiser. In other words, those of you who have been supporting Doug and myself are so far ahead of the game that you will not be deceived by the greatest deception to ever unfold before the eyes of the world! Our EXTINCTION PROTOCOLS virtual conference, which is less than two weeks away, will be a historic and unprecedented group of presentations. These speakers, of which Alien-Disclosure is just one of many topics, will equip you and prepare you for the most perilous times that have ever been!

Brothers and sisters, you are watching the sinister plans of the kingdom of darkness unfolding to destroy the human race. But, as scripture declares, God is going to shorten the days for His elect’s sake, and reveal to those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, the plans of the evil one. He is right now equipping His saints to fight this final battle, a battle fought in the strength of His might through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ!”

REGISTER TODAY: www.GenSix.com 

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Posted By:
Darrin Geisinger
May 28, 2021

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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2024 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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