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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, as many of you have already heard, the recent hurricanes totally devastated massive areas to the south, but none were harder hit than the Florida & the Carolin...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, our latest report PDF might be the most comprehensive AND eye-opening document we’ve ever created. If you want to know the REAL TRUTH about what is happening all...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, I’m going to be blunt in tonight’s PRIVATE BRIEFING: The idea that massive amounts of canned goods and packaged foods are being RECALLED or DESTOYED over a pho...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, as our latest PDF report details, recently all Bank of America account holders SHOWED A ZERO BALANCE, OR IN SOME CASES ONLY A – (minus sign) FOR THEIR ENTIRE ACCO...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, what is happening right now is clearly foretold in scripture, & if what you’re seeing doesn’t get you seriously ‘prepping & praying,’ then I’m not...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, for one more piece of evidence on top of the already tall stack: America is HOPELESSLY behind China in the race for advanced AI, super-conductors & also the wor...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, most all of you are familiar with the Alex Jones, InfoWARS, & the Sandyhook lawsuit that was levied against him for a BILLION DOLLARS! I will NOT go into the d...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, the world is coming UNGLUED in ways you can't imagine. The methods mankind is dreaming up to KILL EACH OTHER on a massive scale has no boundaries! Take for example...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, when Jesus said: ‘The whole world lies in the evil one…’ there were no exceptions. And when Paul talked about speaking with the tongues of men & ANGELS, ...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Dear friends, far from overreacting or being an alarmist, I must bluntly state the reality our situation: ‘America the Ugly’ is actively poking & prodding the Great ...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, GenSix Productions was nearly ready to announce the details of our upcoming virtual conference, but there is so much going on we haven’t been able ...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, as we spoke about in our last PRIVATE BRIEFING, most all of us have been watching scripture & prophecy unfold for decades, or most our lives. So, the fact that...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, our latest report does not shy away from the stark brutality that would take place on this former ‘Land of the Free’ 30 minutes after Russia &...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, I want to get right to the point: The reason the entire financial world is moving so rapidly toward ALL DIGITAL money (whether it’s crypto or the upcoming Centra...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, as inflation skyrockets we’re all paying more than TRIPLE for almost everything compared to just a little while ago, BUT PLEASE realize that this has been the eas...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Dear friends, the headline for today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING is about as shocking & disturbing as it gets. Our ‘mortal enemies,’ so to speak, are IMORRTAL, meaning they...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, what we must discuss is the total plan to TAKE OUT & murder every last American on the planet… Shocking opening statement… YES – but nothin...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “If you ever found yourself muttering the phrase: ‘Wish we could go back to the good ol’ days…’ your wish is about to be granted. Picture a scene from the TV series L...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, the subject matter of this PRIVATE BRIEFING is mind blowing -- to say the least! Many people have speculated about a place called ‘Inner Earth,’ but very few h...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, when I wrote the book TERMINATED, I imagined a world where countries turned their armies into mechanized nightmares capable of creating an extinction-level event in...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Dear friends, we must STOP thinking about WAR as something that is happening OVER THERE SOMEWHERE. This has been the case for some time now, as we Americans have dodged almo...

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Steve Quayle: “Dear friends, the above scripture is talking about Ishmael, son of Abram, & the future his descendants would have with Issac & his offspring; Israel. Fast-forward to today and you can see the results of this prophecy eve...

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Steve Quayle: “Dear friends, we must go back and analyze the encounter Jesus had with the possessed man, the one He cast out an army of demons from. Of course, you recall that Jesus sent them into a group of pigs who soon committed suicide over ...

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Steve Quayle: “Friends, let’s get right to it. Since the Globalist-Deep-State henchmen of the Fallen Ones MISSED Trump & did not take him out of the Land of the Living, they will now do the next best thing: Outlaw any more public rallies ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, all of you will have heard by now that Biden has been taken out of the race, but I’m not even sure HE KNOWS it yet. Ashe/it stumbles off the stage for the last time, I’m shaking my head that anything like that became...

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Steve Quayle: “Friends, this is an EMERGENCY ALERT. Think about this: what happens that if on Monday, you can no longer access your financial accounts? Please read over the special PDF report below and get ready for the worst – AND get your b...

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Steve Quayle: “Friends, when I first heard the news about Trump nearly being killed, I felt no shock or surprise whatsoever, and likely neither did you. In fact, if Trump is as ‘anti-establishment’ as he claims to be, the attempt on his life...

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Steve Quayle: “Dear friends, while our latest PDF report reads quite technical in some areas, I assure you that the ramifications of what is written will soon be very real & in our faces -- & all around us in the form of thermos-nuclea...

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Steve Quayle: “Friends, you already know that these DIS-United States were selected long ago to be the New Atlantis, & likely the headquarters of the emerging anti-christ. And you already know that the Globalists plan to poke, prod, & ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, most of you recall the now infamous Deagle Report where they predicted by the year 2025 the population of America would be down to only 100 MILLION. This is staggering considering we’re up to almost 400 MILLION. So, wh...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, taken directly from our latest PDF report, the issue at hand cannot be summed up better than this: ‘THE NEW SANCTIONS SAY THAT ANY BANKS ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD WHO ACCEPT PAYMENTS FROM RUSSIA OR SEND PAYMENTS TO RUSSIA...

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Steve Quayle: Friends, as the 2024 ‘presidential debates’ are set to kick off tonight, can I just bottom-line this one right away: NO MATTER WHAT YOU HEAR tonight, rest assured it’s all LIES. Now, I fully realize that one candidate is FAR be...

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Steve Quayle: Friends, if you ever wanted a comprehensive report on the next generation of automated flying death machines, it's attached below. If you haven’t been wanting a report of that kind, perhaps you should. Drone Wars is not just on the...

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Steve Quayle: Friends, we’ve now entered a time where nearly everything you purchase, the gadgetry coming off assembly lines the world over, will be LITERALLY super-infused with demonically-charge AI! The fastest way to get Chat GPT & all t...

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Steve Quayle: Friends, if any of you are still baffled as to why Western ‘leaders’ are continuously poking & prodding Russia, China, Iran, & North Korea – it is because THEY ARE STILL BAFFLED as to why these superior nations have n...

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Steve Quayle: Dear friends, the title for this PRIVATE BRIEFING is inadequate because our ‘Suicidal Sanctions’ is just one of 30 categories where America has been utterly betrayed from within… betrayed unto DEATH! Why is this important when ...

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Steve Quayle: "What is Executive Order 14067, you ask? It’s an order by the clowns “North of Richmond” that will give our ‘leaders’ unprecedented control over your money, savings, & LIFE! As this HOTLINK clearly defines, it gives th...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, how many different ways can I declare it? America the Beautiful has more than just ‘let herself go.’ She’s past the point of touch-ups & a little fix here & there. Bottom Line: She’s hideous… HID-E-OU...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, the final chapter in America’s history is being written right now. In fact, we’re down to a final, few sentences. These climactic last sentences will describe WHO in detail was our undoing. Who are they? The Globalis...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, that you’re already a subscriber to these PRIVATE BRIEFINGS means your eyes are open & you’re seeing what they’re up to: Planes diving & crashing into food processing plants, & those food-factories n...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, don’t you love how the mainstream-vomit-media keeps carrying on about this growing & vibrant economy? They’ll babble (Babel) on & on with their nonsense until the sheeple give in & believe it. The talk...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, let’s get right to heart of the matter: CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) might as well stand for Certain Big Distraction Coming because the way I & my Insiders see it, World War III is about to reduce Earth’...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, as our title conveys, NATO & the West are doing EVERYTHING in their feeble power to provoke the Russians to initiate a nuclear first-strike against us. And Russia in turn has flatly stated that’s exactly what they...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, as if most of you didn’t already know it: The U.S.A. is NO LONGER the country you once loved & trusted. At one time (& now it seems so long ago), America was first loyal to the Living God, then to family ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, if some of you are still thinking that the events described in the Book of Revelation COULD start sometime soon – please think again. We ARE NOW IN THOSE DAYS, with wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, & pestilence ...

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Steve Quayle: “Bothers & sisters, what happened long ago in Genesis Chapter 6 has happened again, & again, & again, & is still happening now. The wicked rulers of this world WERE & ARE being stirred up by the Fallen Ange...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedHOT LINK: Steve Quayle's 20 min. interview with Brad Barton of CUE Streaming! Steve_CUE_InterviewSteve Quayle: “Brethren, I don’t often bring a sponsor to you, but this is a rare & s...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, AI is LITERALLY creeping into everything, including the human genome. As our latest PDF report describes, advanced bio-tech companies are now using AI entities to edit genes – supposedly creating custom medicines to sa...

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Steve Quayle: "Monstrous creations are being developed with secret technology in labs around the world. It is a Future of Unimaginable Horrors …created for our planet by unseen masters..."

Steve Quayle: “Brethren, hopefully we’ve set the bar pretty high already, but I believe tonight’s Special PDF Report is the best, most comprehensive, most succinct revelation into what Satan has planned for the Saints of God that’s ever be...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, as I’ve been stating for decades & decades: If you cannot hold it in your hands, you DON’T OWN IT! To anyone out there who thinks you can send your hard-earned money to someone far away in exchange for precious ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, just as our latest report states, the Book of Enoch describes the Fallen Angels coming back in the last days to ‘stir up the Kings of the East from their thrones,’ like ravenous LIONS & WOLVES, provoking them to...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, I present to you Part III of our 4-part series on China concerning the influence of the Fallen Angels there, and also how that nation will factor into God’s End Times plans for His wrath & retribution. What we end...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, today you’ll be reading Part II of our 4-part series dealing with China, the Fallen Angels, and how the ‘Red Dragon’ (both Satan and the nation of China) will be pivotal as we continue into the End of Days. We’re...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, what I must do right away is ‘bottom-line’ this PRIVATE BRIEFING: China has the blueprint for the destruction of humanity and they’re about to use it. This will come as no shock to anyone reading this. It feels lik...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, I’m not being over dramatic when I say that our ONGOING Glyph-tionary project is THE MOST MONUMENTAL undertaking of its type ever attempted in history! Now that I have your attention, I want to stress what the END-GOAL...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, before we jump into the intriguing topic of The Philadelphia Experient, I want to welcome all the new subscribers to these BRIEFINGS. Many of you have just recently joined, strengthening our ranks while helping GenSix wi...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, our latest report is quite jarring, & that’s just the way I wanted it. Reason? If you have been listening to me & supporting me for a long time, and many of you have for decades, you may have gotten numb over...

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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedTHIS IS A SPECIAL ALERT FROM STEVE QUAYLE:Steve Quayle: "Brethren, today's ALERT could not be more urgent, & the escalation into World War III could not be moving faster. I've included s...

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Brethren, former Rothchild banker President Macron of France is not only rushing his own country into a no-win war with Russia, he’s taking NATO & the idiotic West with him! With France’s less than stellar history of fighting in large-sca...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, if you are reading these words and are not familiar with the term ‘Clergy Response Team,’ allow me to explain. The CRT is made up of pastors from large & prominent churches around the country, who were chosen by...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, at first glance our latest report PDF looks like it’s written for aircraft enthusiasts. But what one must do is ask themselves why the supposedly most powerful nation in the world, these DIS-United States, can no longe...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, there is a secret border war taking place at the top of the world right now, and when I say top – I mean literally. China & India have been battling in the Himalayan Mountains for some time now, and it’s mostly ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, this PRIVATE BRIEFING pains me in so many ways. First, I must tell all of you, my friends & ardent supporters, that our country has fallen away from God – and that we’re not only NOT a shining light to the world...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, this might be the most important message, PRIVATE BRIEFING, Alert, or you-name-it, I have ever sent out. Why? Because the precursor to the Mark of the Beast is being introduced as we speak. Allow me to Bottom Line it: Th...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, it becoming increasingly difficult to keep blowing the whistle on something as horribly BROKEN & DISFUNCTIONAL as the U.S. military. It’s apparent that recently when our armed forces came up 24,000 bodies SHORT of...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, over the past few decades, many people have cried out to me asking why they cannot see all the things I’ve been talking about for 35-PLUS YEARS. The simple reason is this: The forces of darkness charged with both COVER...

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Steve Quayle: “Brethren, this PRIVATE BRIEFING will come to no surprise to our subscribers. We’ve been betrayed, all of us, by our own country working hand in hand with our adversaries. From big to small companies in the U.S., & from well...

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Steve Quayle: “Dear brethren, the blatant denial of our enemy’s superior weapons will be our death knell. Just because we keep denying Russia’s military dominance, doesn’t mean it’s not true. And because we keep denying it & denying...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentleman, over the years, many of you have written to me and complimented my efforts and research into Genesis 6, Giants, Transhumanism, UFO’s and more. But an equal number of you also want to know what the end is...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentleman, I want you to brace yourself before reading our latest report included in this PRIVATE BRIEFING. Not only is the information staggering but knowing that these observations from Science Guy are FIRST-HAND, ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, the reason I placed the scripture up above AGAIN in one of our PRIVATE BRIEFINGS is to stress to you the words: ‘UP ONTO THE EARTH!’ The trouble with Normalcy Bias, and what’s in front of our eyes ev...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, if there is one topic I’ve been consistent about it’s making sure all of you have access to a supply of fresh water. As we approach the End of the Age, the Bible is quite clear that the lack of drinkab...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, I know many of you are burdened by the sins of America and have prayed and fasted for nationwide repentance. It’s been the right thing to do, and my heart goes out to all of you who have labored in both ...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, when Jesus said that there would be ‘wars and rumors of wars,’ can anyone argue that He wasn’t talking about RIGHT NOW in our existence? The entire world is coming unglued and it’s hard to keep up ...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, as Russia & China steal all the headlines as our greatest threat, everyone has overlooked North Korea and the potential they have to start World War III! And I believe they will do just that. It’s n...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, this is a very unusual PRIVATE BRIEFING. I’m announcing several important things here, one of which is that there will be NO MORE NEW subscription sign-ups beyond March 15th, for at least the rest of 202...

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Steve Quayle: “Bothers & sisters, we‘ll start this PRIVATE BRIEFING with two terms: Hegelian Dialectic and Medi-cide, though Science Guy’s latest PDF report covers much more than these. Hegelian Dialectic first. It’s a process that’...

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Darrin Geisinger: “I’m talking to the right people when I know nothing I say here will shock anyone reading these words. By now, you’ve come to accept that bizarre encounters and shocking headlines are the norm, if anything normal still exi...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, if you’ve seen the footage of HUNDREDS of police cars streaming toward the mall in Miami, you know that something went terribly wrong there. What’s now come out is multiple reports of giant ‘shadow c...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, how many different ways can I say that the buffoonery, treachery and missteps of America & the West -- in face of shrewd planning, unification and tactics by Russia, has all-but assured the Fall of Ba...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, in our latest PDF report, Science Guy truly proves why we call him the Science Guy. From the critical dangers of burgeoning AI, to the importance of names, spoken words, vibration, frequency and modulation...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, most of you have grown up in the last 40 years seeing memorable movies like War Games with Matthew Broderick. In that film, as well as in countless videos games, a radar screen shows deadly nuclear missile...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, in the past, if the U.S.A. were playing international chess with China, we would have easily won. Not only for our intellect, but because we were a God (of the Bible) fearing nation, and the Father always ...

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Steve Quayle: “In this PRIVATE BRIEFING, we will be reviewing yet another term. This time it’s: BOONDOGGLE. What is a boondoggle? The official definition is: ‘An unnecessary or wasteful project or activity.’ Ladies & gentlemen, what S...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, allow me to introduce you to a disturbing term: the ‘Samson Option.’ You’d be right in thinking this tactic applies to Israel, and you’d also probably be right in guessing what it means: Once ensna...

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Steve Quayle: “Today’s PRIVATE BRIEFING involves something very near & dear to me. Ladies & gentlemen, 25 years ago I interview Sam Cohen, the inventor of the Neutron Bomb. Our conversations were beyond enlightening. He told me quite...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, the ‘giants are at the gate,’ and this time I’m not referring to the returning Nephalim (though I will touch on that in a moment). Going forward, this point in history will become known as the point ...

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Steve Quayle: “You know how they say ‘eventually things will HIT HOME.’ Well, that could not be truer in my case. As most of you know I live in Bozeman, Montana, and what’s detailed in our PDF report couldn’t be more unsettling. As you�...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, under no circumstances -EVER- should you send, give, or allow samples of your DNA to go to anyone including healthcare systems & especially nefarious ancestry sites! Good night, as if it were not obvi...

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Steve Quayle: “Friends, I’m not sure if you’re experiencing this emotional dilemma, but allow me to describe it and see if it rings familiar. Despite having grown up in this once great country, and proudly repeating the Pledge of Allegiance ...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, with all the ‘wars & rumors of wars’ gumbing-up today’s false-news-headlines, the Globalists have been plotting their next PLAN-demic. Their next one will be a massively deadly, and one they hop...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, every one of you using a Smart Phone or piece of Smart Technology knows the feeling: AI is watching & the situation has long-moved passed convenient and into ‘very scary.’ Your phone, watch, car ...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, let’s start this PRIVATE BRIEFING at the end, and work back to where we are now. Bottom Line: What’s about to take place is the single largest shift away from traditional financial methods IN THE HISTO...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, the stuff of both Biblical prophecy and Hollywood movies is coming true before our eyes -- and what I’m about to tell you about the country of Egypt is truly shocking. Before we get into it though, let m...

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Steve Quayle: “Brothers & sisters, what I need to emphasize to you today, as gently as I can, is the fact that the long-foretold Ezekiel 38-39 War about to erupt, will NOT be stopped by God Almighty ahead of time! I am getting comments from...

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Steve Quayle: “Ladies & gentlemen, I’ve learned through several reliable sources that Fed-Ex is cutting over half of their pilots as they do not have enough packages to ship! That is why time is of the essence. If you need to acquire a re...

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GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.

©2024 GenSix Productions. All Rights Reserved.
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