Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights Reserved“Who controls the food supply controls...
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Starving a Nation to Death: Food Shortages Growing More Dire!
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2021, All Rights Reserved
( NOTE: These SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS will soon only be available to Q FILES Subscribers ONLY. So if you want to keep hearing about 'what's really going on' please support our effort to get you the real-news and sign up for Q Files today: )
Steve Quayle: “Brothers & Sisters, America ‘dies before our eyes’ and hardly a tear is being shed on our behalf. Starvation is now unfolding in our land. Today's generation, with no understanding of history, cannot see the devious communist plans unfolding right under their noses, nor the devil’s timetable to initiate full scale starvation and warfare in our streets.
With real, honest law enforcement nearly gone, foreign troops, mercenaries and ethnic gangs will be ruling the former United States. NOTE: I have been advised through a friend of a large American trucking company, that their truck drivers will soon be parking their rigs in protest rather than take the government-mandated death-injections. So, what will happen when the trucks stop shipping? We will soon see, and the results will be worse than you can imagine: Panic and mass-death on a grand scale never seen before in this once-blessed-nation. My great frustration isn't trying to get people to see what's going on, but instead to see how these calamities will affect them. Everyone reading these words must comprehend that your lives are about to change radically. Get ready for what's coming right now!
Within the last 24 hours, Russian President Putin has signed trade deals, oil deals, and offered his country’s protection to what WERE America's former allies. Why? The Fallen-Angel-Biden fiasco has turned the United States into a pariah, with all our former allies openly stating that America has betrayed their trust and confidence. Americas fate has been sealed, and we are now isolated unto destruction. In the prophet Jeremiah's day, when the rebellious nation of Israel did much evil in the sight of the Lord, all the surrounding nations held them in such contempt that even the mention of their name brought forth a hissing-sound in response. Does this sound familiar? How is the sound of the word: ‘America’ ringing around the world right now? Our bumbling errors (and in reality our sin and rebellion) has also brought a ‘hissing’ sound out of the mouths of every nation watching us fall apart.
As I am dictating this PRIVATE BRIEFING, information is coming in to me as to the potential of accelerating ‘Force Majeure’, as international bankers who own the Fed are paying close attention to the vast amount of Middle Eastern oil money moving in Russia’s direction, who just happen to have gold-backed-rubles and a model for commodity-based trading. The Good ol’ U.S.A., with all our endless printing of worthless money, is about to crash-and-burn, big-time. We’re going to fold like a cheap house-of-cards, and the hissing sound from around the world will grow deafening.
As if we weren’t enough of an embarrassment already, the ongoing nightmare of the Pentagon's surrender of $85 BILLION WORTH OF WEAPONS and military technology is, in my opinion, the greatest act of American treason that has ever taken place. Talk about an open invitation for terrorists to descend upon these shores, in full-fury and armed to the teeth (by our own ignorant hands), giving payback to the highest offices of the land. Ladies & gentlemen, the former United States has fallen and you must prepare yourselves for total war in the spiritual and physical realm, a war that will spill into every neighborhood in this country! But no matter the darkness coming upon us, Jesus is still Lord. He will have victory over this enemy, and in Him, you can too!”
Soon, these SQ PRIVATE BRIEFINGS will be only available to Q FILES Subscribers. Thank you for your support:
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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights Reserved“Who controls the food supply controls...
Copyright © GenSix Productions 2025, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Friends, the war recent...
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Copyright © GenSix Productions 2024, All Rights ReservedSteve Quayle: “Brethren, we’re indee...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.