Steve Quayle: “Brethren, taken directly from our latest PDF report, the issue at hand cannot be summed up better than this: ‘THE NEW SANCTIONS SAY THAT ANY BANKS ANY PLACE IN THE WORLD WHO ACCEPT PAYMENTS FROM RUSSIA OR SEND PAYMENTS TO RUSSIA...
Steve Quayle: Friends, as the 2024 ‘presidential debates’ are set to kick off tonight, can I just bottom-line this one right away: NO MATTER WHAT YOU HEAR tonight, rest assured it’s all LIES. Now, I fully realize that one candidate is FAR be...
Steve Quayle: Friends, if you ever wanted a comprehensive report on the next generation of automated flying death machines, it's attached below. If you haven’t been wanting a report of that kind, perhaps you should. Drone Wars is not just on the...
Steve Quayle: Friends, we’ve now entered a time where nearly everything you purchase, the gadgetry coming off assembly lines the world over, will be LITERALLY super-infused with demonically-charge AI! The fastest way to get Chat GPT & all t...
Steve Quayle: Friends, if any of you are still baffled as to why Western ‘leaders’ are continuously poking & prodding Russia, China, Iran, & North Korea – it is because THEY ARE STILL BAFFLED as to why these superior nations have n...
Steve Quayle: Dear friends, the title for this PRIVATE BRIEFING is inadequate because our ‘Suicidal Sanctions’ is just one of 30 categories where America has been utterly betrayed from within… betrayed unto DEATH! Why is this important when ...
Steve Quayle: "What is Executive Order 14067, you ask? It’s an order by the clowns “North of Richmond” that will give our ‘leaders’ unprecedented control over your money, savings, & LIFE! As this HOTLINK clearly defines, it gives th...
Steve Quayle: “Brethren, how many different ways can I declare it? America the Beautiful has more than just ‘let herself go.’ She’s past the point of touch-ups & a little fix here & there. Bottom Line: She’s hideous… HID-E-OU...
Steve Quayle: “Brethren, the final chapter in America’s history is being written right now. In fact, we’re down to a final, few sentences. These climactic last sentences will describe WHO in detail was our undoing. Who are they? The Globalis...
Steve Quayle: “Brethren, that you’re already a subscriber to these PRIVATE BRIEFINGS means your eyes are open & you’re seeing what they’re up to: Planes diving & crashing into food processing plants, & those food-factories n...
Steve Quayle: “Brethren, don’t you love how the mainstream-vomit-media keeps carrying on about this growing & vibrant economy? They’ll babble (Babel) on & on with their nonsense until the sheeple give in & believe it. The talk...
GenSix Productions was launched in 2014 with a mission to set the record straight giving an accurate historical and contemporary worldview based on the pivotal episode recorded in the sixth chapter of Genesis (as well as in many other ancient manuscripts and traditions). We believe that the narrative of Genesis 6 is the key to unlocking the secrets of the prehistoric past, and the cipher for decoding the mysteries of the prophetic future.